Conventional Non- Destructive Testing

From construction sites, pipelines, and refineries to shipyards and nuclear power plants, ensuring the reliability of your processes and equipment is crucial. Our non-destructive testing (NDT) services provide thorough or sample examinations of your assets using meticulously designed procedures and highly trained, certified NDT inspectors. This enables us to deliver comprehensive and valuable data, empowering you to make informed decisions in managing your assets.

Penetrant Testing

Also known as Liquid penetrant inspection, Dye Penetrant testing is the most reliable method of finding defects and discontinuities opened on the surface especially in all non-porous materials. This method is widely used for testing of non-magnetic materials.


In PT method, a liquid/dye penetrant is applied to the surface of the product for a certain predetermined time specified by codes, standards or specifications, after which the excess penetrant is removed from the surface. The surface is then dried and a developer is applied to it. The penetrant which remains in the discontinuity is absorbed by the developer to indicate the presence as well as the location, size and nature of the discontinuity. Penetrants used are either visible dye penetrant or fluorescent dye penetrant. The inspection for the presence of visible dye indications is made under white light while inspection of presence of indications by fluorescent dye penetrant is made under high intensity ultraviolet (or black) light under darkened conditions.

The Liquid penetrant testing facility at CORE is provided:

  • With ultra-sensitive, high sensitive, medium sensitive penetrant materials suitable for structural to aerospace applications
  • Experienced in-house ASNT NDT Level IIIs for preparing, approving NDT procedures and providing consultancy services.
  • Liquid penetrant testing technicians and engineers are qualified and certified to PT/DPT Level I, II as per ASNT recommended practice SNT-TC-1A
  • Stationery Dye penetrant testing stations.

Talk To Our Expert Team

Our advanced services team would be happy to discuss your needs and determine the right technology for your application.
To speak to our team, please Call: +91-9811159123 or Email: