
Soft Skills and Behavior Training

The importance of soft skills is enormous in ensuring one’s longevity and success in one’s career. Soft Skills is also known as interpersonal skills or people skills. It refers to how well a person communicates with others and is able to connect with them. How strong or poor one’s soft skills depend on analytical thinking, empathy, and etiquettes.

This is a characteristic of one’s personality. In some people, it is highly developed. They know exactly how to deal with different people in different situations, put across their message clearly and effectively to their listeners, and create a positive impression on people around them.

But, such people are only a few in number. Rest of us need to devote time and energy to sharpen those skills enough to work in specific conditions, build rapport and coordination at the workplace.

The course aims to cause a basic awareness about the significance of soft skills in professional and inter-personal communications and facilitate an all-round development of personality. Hard or technical skills help securing a basic position in one's life and career. But only soft skills can ensure a person retain it, climb further, reach a pinnacle, achieve excellence, and derive fulfilment and supreme joy. Soft skills comprise pleasant and appealing personality traits as self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, social grace, flexibility, friendliness and effective communication skills.

Who should attend ?
  • Lower and middle level management personnel of small, medium and large scale companies (e.g. supervisors, executives, assistant managers, managers etc.)
  • Supervisors with good working experience with an aptitude to become future managers.
  • Management and engineering students can also take up this course for becoming more resourceful and employable.

Communication Skills

Presentation Skills

Executive Development Program